Travis and I ran 2.5 miles, for the YMCA Christmas Run. It is was snowy and very cold, but both of us were good sports. Travis being in shape was able to go alot faster than me, but although my many times I told him to go ahead, he still continued to stay by me the whole way!! I think it was really sweet of him to do that, even though I told him not to!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
YMCA Christmas Run
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
...Its off to school I go
I have been working like crazy it seems, and it is getting hard to have a calm life it seems. I am leaving to school in less than 2 weeks, and it is kind of freaking me out a little. My roomates seem AMAZING!! I have already chatted with them, and it basically rocks that they are happy outgoing people like me. Yesturday I did a Christmas Run with Travis...not to bad besides the freazing cold, ice covered streets, and me having a really bad cold :) But I servived and we were able to complete the 2.5 miles in 24 min! I have a picture of us on my parents camera, so I will post it as soon as I can get my hands on their memorie card!!
Tales of a distressed soon to be college student
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oh when helping out my mom with pre-school, I realize that I loved being little because...
I get yummy snacks during snack time
Singing songs is fun to do, fun to do, to do, to do
Nap times should be reinstated for 18 and older
My biggest worry was if I could name my barbie Rose
And where I was small enough to sit on my moms lap when ever I wanted
~Dreamings of a Little Big Kid~
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My mom and ODD numbers
I guess I am just an odd person, when it comes to eating, TV volume, or other random things I prefer odd numbers...unline my mom. Just a couple days ago I was getting snacks for work. We had some mini donuts and I was not sure if I should get five or seven, so I asked my mom. My mom said I should get four or six. SO...I got the happy medium, Five. As my mom came back into the kitchen, she grabs the bag, realizes I did five, opens the bag, and stuffs the fifth donut in my mouth. Leaving the grand total of donuts in my bag as an even number. I guess I should be a little less ODD!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Institute (My new sanctuary)
I am taking institute at BSU until I leave for College in January. I am taking Book of Mormon part 2, Lasting Relationships, Enrollment Committee, and Parables of Jesus Christ. I love each of them so much and know that this is going to help me in my eternal progression!! I know that this can change my life for the better!! Definitely I recommend this to everyone!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
EFY for me
Lets just say I had an AMAZING TIME!! I don't think I could sum up everything that I did unless I just copied and pasted my spiritual journal right onto this website!! But here are a few pictures of my company(2 groups of girls and 1 group of guys)!! Here is what is in each of these pictures in order! First is my counseling group at pizza night!! This next picture is of my whole company...and then there is the picture of my three counselors (the red one is over my individual group though! At Utah State there is a ton of crazy out there statues, which the one all of my friends are on we called it the French Fry, because that is what it looked like! Lastly is the guys in our group that came and performed at the choir practice and performance with us!! It was really great, and I even got to perform a duet with Caryssa for a whole song.
I enjoyed every min. of my trip and I would not want to take away one moment!! I love the gospel, and I know with a surety that it is true!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
"It's like seminary for big people!" I explained to Erica, my little sister. "You know what seminary is right?" I asked..."Wait...its like church as a school class?" Erica asked back. "Yes it is but...we have it every Wednesday night!" "Like Mutual, but not because it is like seminary, right?" "RIGHT! Now do you understand?" "Yap"
Wow yea now that I think about it, that would have been really confusing for me even at this age in my life!! But, I love institute! I get to feel a strong spirit every time I go, helping me get through the crazy times of the week! Today we learned about Personal Revelation, and although I can improve by a hundred fold, I am so glad a receive it on a day to day basis!! I love the church, Lord, and my loving family!
Pondering Thoughts of a Tired Young Adult
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
An eventful day!!
The day started off with me working as a lifeguard, and I had a shadow with me (a person that needs more exsperience so they follow around a head guard)! So as that was going on, my friends including my boyfriend come to play at the park!! I got off of work at three thirty, so I was able to go and play with them. I guess I must have a sign on my forehead or something that says dunk me, because I was the automatic target when heading into the water! We had a blast, even though Travis basically made me go on avalanche, which for anyone that knows me I don't have a fear of heights but I have a really bad fear of falling. Not a very fun exsperience!! Oh, but as my friends and I came out of the river about to go on the family ride, Travis thought it would be fun to be spontanious and pick me up and drop me in the sand pit and give me a fast roll in it!! Water + Sand = Magnet to anything it is touching, and of course I was covered in it!! He is in big trouble!! Oh, but luckily I washed off at the ride, but still...
After that we were all going to go to institute, but some of my friends decided not to, so Travis and I are going anyway!! Travis is driving my grandpa's/my car and we are driving down the road when Travis realized the car was vearing really far to the we get on the freeway, we get down to about around the temple when, *Pop* the left front tire blows! I am so glad he was driving, but he was able to put on the spare, and while he was fixing it a nice cop came by. The cop just asked if we had everything under control, and then told us to have a good day! Well, we headed back home on the freeway, and Travis said, What if we blow another tire?!?! Of course ten seconds later the spare tire blows out, right as we are about under the locust grove overpass!! Yea, I think this is a sign we are not suppose to go to institute today! :) Oh, so my mom calls a toe truck and we wait in the car for about a half an hour. That was definately a crazy day, and I definately did not have one ounce of energy at the end of this day!!
Story of a limp and tired young adult!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry!!!!
I know I know I have not blogged as much as everyone else...SoRrY! I have been absolutely crazy buisy and I think my parents are even forgetting what I look like, sad day! So here is a brief overview of everything that has happened...
I went to Prom...twice...
One was with a Guy named Greg from eagle. I liked him then along with my other crush named Travis, but I will get back to him. Well I guess I had never spent a long period of time with Greg, and his friends. I did not enjoy it that much. I guess the higher class of eagleness just doesn't appeal to me very well in long periods of time!
Then I went to Mountain View's Prom with Rick "Tallman"! I had a blast it was crazy and I had so much fun hanging out with all of my not so close friends. We went CrAzY, and something I really that was amazing of the guys because of who we are...We got a hummer limo to take us to go get pictures! Everyone was so excited, and pointed out everything that was cool, and we were all so excited, but with Eagle it was just mandatory to come in a Limo to them. Oh man, I feel like I am dissing, sorry there is wonderful people from Eagle, I am just not use to living like that!! Love all around!!
Hmm, next came Senoir project/Senoir Skip days. Senior project was easier then was said it was!! Oh, but all of my friends decided to get it done at 7:45 in the morning so we could go to breakfast together! That was amazing because we all pitched in twenty dollars to fly our friend Randell back for senior skip days. Lets just say we trashed his room majorly majorly!! So a little of it is in the background of the picture. We picked him up from the airport and we brought him to his crazy mess!! We basically went wild on senior skip days and I accidentaly fell asleep for four hours in the park and got a really really bad sunburn!! But it was a blast!!
Then there is Travis my boyfriend. Wow our history would take forever to write about. So basically we are best friends and have been really good friends since we met. We actually met eachother when we were kind of not really with other people, and we both thought eachother were taken. Well lets just say word got sent to him by numerous sources that I liked him (p.s. thanks, to everyone that spilled the beans). Well Amanda and I went to Rexburg just this last weekend and we went and saw where he use to live and met all of his friends. It was so crazy fun, I loved it!! So that picture is basically of one of our late nights and we both have contacts so we are both in glasses at this time! I love him, and am glad that I waited for the right person to come along!!
I am graduated!! Whoot Whoot!! I had a blast at the all night party with all of my friends and I won a free burrito and 2 bucks!! I had a blast and Travis was able to pay the money and sign a permission form and got in...even though he was never enrolled in our school! :) I liked it though!!
Lastly, I am a head lifeguard at roaring springs water park this year!! I am way excited and a little nervous but it should be amazing!!
Sorry for not keeping up, but once I get my laptop I know I will be blogging more often!!
I love you all a ton!
From a heart throbbed young adult!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:11 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mom, Mom is that you?!?!
It was about 9 at night and it was dark...let me state that first. I come out of dance class and I see my families silver van, and it was too dark to see the disney princess head on the entena. I go up to the car and the door was locked. I see someone in the drivers seat, and I am wondering why no one is unlocking the door. Suddenly I see a hint of glasses on the person driving, weird, why would my mom be wearing sunglasses at night. OH NO!! It was the wrong car!! I huried back into the dance studio mordified. I then come out when more students come out and I double check before I get into MY van!! So embarrased. I feel bad for whoever's car that is because they were probably freakin' out that a total stranger was trying to get into their car. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...(hint: My mom got into someone elses car thinking it was her van...untill she realized the different content!)
Tales of a Loopy Kimala!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I got a scholarship to BYU-I!!
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, this makes life so much easier!! Happy day!
Grants and Scholarships
Winter 2009 397.00
Summer 2009 397.00
Total 794.00
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 10:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
I feel so weird...and you probably want me to tell you, especially with that title...Jessica Aiello is ENGAGED!!! I have known her literally since I was born, and now she is engaged to be married. She is only about a year older than me...and with Jessica getting married, it may cause a chain reaction having more of my friends being married by the min. But do not get me's a good thing...just a Freak Out due to the realization that the future is closer than it seems!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 8:19 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
AHAHAHAH!!! I got asked to Mountain View Prom yesturday night!! I am so excited, because I did not even start worring about it, because it is not until May 10th!! I am so excited!!! Rick (Tall, Blonde, Amazing at basketball, and Siminary president) asked me! I had a huge party at my house last night of about 26-27 teenagers (read my mom's blog for a more info)! I hugged him goodbye and then I was in the kitchen when Randall comes to me asking... Is this your shoe...I reply with yes and he runs off. 10 Min. Later i am ding dong ditched with a tape player and a tape saying my name. I play it and it has spy music on and then it says to accept this task you must find out in the front yard a spring in your step. They had taken my shoe and I go searching, finding it behind a rock with a giant spring in it...LOL....Nice play on words! Also there is a tape inside saying that I will be escorted to prom on May 10th if I accept this "mission". THen it tells me I have to go ask every person if they have a tape for me. I am running around the house trying to ask each person, finally the last person I ask is Randall and he has the last tape. It says that the agent that will be taking me on this mission is the one and only Rick!! I was exstatic!!!! I am so excited!! Now all I have to do is answer two guys to prom, put on a fashion show, and order my dress...NO SWEAT!!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:03 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 1:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Travis got set apart as an he is officially a missionary. I feel like i have just said good bye to my best friend!! I know he is doing a wonderful thing...but that does not make it any easier! He is amazing and he will be come even better!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 7:45 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
I Auditioned for MTV "Made"
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! Whew...just had to get that off of my chest. It was crazy amazing, because the lady was so relaxed. Wait. You might not know what the show is, well I did not know about it till today. It is a show that shows teenagers who have something that they want to do, but something has been standing in the way like a fear, personal feelings, shyness, or any other reason. I want to be a hip hop dancer. I am coming out with it. I dance or at least try and dance like hip hop in my room, and no one has known my secret that I have been wanting this so badly!! I am really excited, and can't wait to hear back if I made it. If not that is plenty ok, I just a got a total secret out of my life!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Another moment of luck!!
For radio stations the line is ALWAYS busy...I was talking to my parents and jokingly called 103.3 and they answered. I was so embarrassed and had no clue what I was doing!! So then I requested the song "Our Song" and I felt so absolutely STUPID!! My parents thought it was great, but I have to admit that was pure luck getting that phone call...I don't know, but I can't denie my luckiness that keeps on adding to my list!
Story from a hysterical high school senior!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Never again...
When ever I have a sweatshirt on I don't put my cell phone in the pocket because I lost it the one time I did. Well it was lunch time and I couldn't reach my pants pockets so I put it in that pocket...I was running late due to a late ending young republicans meeting. I had seminary so I ran to the building. I then realized that I needed to turn off my cell phone (because I have it on during lunch). My jaw dropped open when to my surprise it was not in my pocket any more. I told my seminary teacher and he excused me to go and find it. Long story short I search, go into the choir room, ask Kanda to call my phone, and a guy says he has my phone and that he will come to the choir room. My friend Dan the Man found the phone, and had opened it up. Inside my phone my friend Randall had put "Randall's Amazing". Dan thought it was Randall's phone so he was looking for him, and so I just lauphed when he handed it to me!
Rantings of a high school Senior
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Piggy back in the potty
So I realized I should even write about the simple amazing things that happen to me daily...
I was in cleaning the powder room toilet, not on my nees but crouched down. Nick comes up and sits right on my knee, I almost tiped over dropping him in the toilet but I over compensate and we both fall backwards. I am glad that Nick did not go potty on me, because he told me he was waiting on my lap till I was done cleaning so he could go potty...
Lunar Eclipse tonight...I think I might just get a ton of blankets and just go lay in the middle of my front yard for a while enjoying the AMAZING view!
Sweet dreams from a frazzled Senior!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 8:16 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
AMAZING DAY in general

Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 11:09 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Kid for a day!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I never thought it would happen to me...
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I hate to string you along!
What I did was I Had a ton of string and I tied his door handles together and string around his car with the help of my brother and mom. There was a note on there that said something to the effect of that I have a question to ask him but I want to string it out as long as I can to ask you. HE was completely confused...Then the next day I had a huge poster with his name on it saying to others not to tare down the string. Attached was this long string that led him basically back and forth through the choir room, then out the back door were a CD was tied to the end. On the CD was a powerpoint of asking him... Oh man and I forgot to tell about the good part. On Thursday when I was tieing his car he was playing Church Ball, so I did at the end of the CD to reveal myself I put while you were doing this, (and I had a picture of him playing Basketball), I was doing this, (there was the picture below on it)!
And then there was the AMAZING legos! I don't know why, but I think I had too much fun with them. I stayed up till like 1:30 playing with them and I got them at 11:30! :) I really liked the catipult because you could get serious air from that thing :)
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Babes in Black You Never Know When We Will ATTACK!!
My friends Amy and Sarah are so amazing. We have been trying to have a girls night for a really long time. We watched 50 first dates and we went Hot tubbing, but lets just say the cold wind was not very pleasant but the Hot Cocoa deffinately helped warm us up. We had a blast but this is not about that night. It was nine oclock at night on Wednesday and we deffinately wanted to go TPing. The thing is, you do a nice TP not a revenge TP. So we made some really good chocolate chip cookies and made a nice note and went to TP our friend Tyler's house. It was a blast. I wish we could have took a picture but as we went by about 10 min. after we had TPed a car started to follow us and we turned into a culdasac but parked behind a tree that was on the island in the middle, and the car stopped on the other side. We finally were freaking out and we decided to pull out the car goes in the middle and slowly pulls by us as she squints her eyes to see who was in our car. We FREAKED. So we hurried away but the car closely followed. As we turned she still followed us. Finally as we pulled out of the subdivision the car did a U turn and went back into the neighborhood. So we decided that when we TP people we will wear black hats and our phrase will be Were the Babes in Black and you never know when we will ATTACK!! SO if you get TPed and there is a note that at the bottom that says love, The babes in black, you know who to call to help you clean it up!!
Posted by Beautifully Modest Chick at 6:41 PM 1 comments