Friday, June 27, 2008

An eventful day!!

The day started off with me working as a lifeguard, and I had a shadow with me (a person that needs more exsperience so they follow around a head guard)! So as that was going on, my friends including my boyfriend come to play at the park!! I got off of work at three thirty, so I was able to go and play with them. I guess I must have a sign on my forehead or something that says dunk me, because I was the automatic target when heading into the water! We had a blast, even though Travis basically made me go on avalanche, which for anyone that knows me I don't have a fear of heights but I have a really bad fear of falling. Not a very fun exsperience!! Oh, but as my friends and I came out of the river about to go on the family ride, Travis thought it would be fun to be spontanious and pick me up and drop me in the sand pit and give me a fast roll in it!! Water + Sand = Magnet to anything it is touching, and of course I was covered in it!! He is in big trouble!! Oh, but luckily I washed off at the ride, but still...
After that we were all going to go to institute, but some of my friends decided not to, so Travis and I are going anyway!! Travis is driving my grandpa's/my car and we are driving down the road when Travis realized the car was vearing really far to the we get on the freeway, we get down to about around the temple when, *Pop* the left front tire blows! I am so glad he was driving, but he was able to put on the spare, and while he was fixing it a nice cop came by. The cop just asked if we had everything under control, and then told us to have a good day! Well, we headed back home on the freeway, and Travis said, What if we blow another tire?!?! Of course ten seconds later the spare tire blows out, right as we are about under the locust grove overpass!! Yea, I think this is a sign we are not suppose to go to institute today! :) Oh, so my mom calls a toe truck and we wait in the car for about a half an hour. That was definately a crazy day, and I definately did not have one ounce of energy at the end of this day!!
Story of a limp and tired young adult!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry!!!!

I know I know I have not blogged as much as everyone else...SoRrY! I have been absolutely crazy buisy and I think my parents are even forgetting what I look like, sad day! So here is a brief overview of everything that has happened...

I went to Prom...twice...

One was with a Guy named Greg from eagle. I liked him then along with my other crush named Travis, but I will get back to him. Well I guess I had never spent a long period of time with Greg, and his friends. I did not enjoy it that much. I guess the higher class of eagleness just doesn't appeal to me very well in long periods of time!

Then I went to Mountain View's Prom with Rick "Tallman"! I had a blast it was crazy and I had so much fun hanging out with all of my not so close friends. We went CrAzY, and something I really that was amazing of the guys because of who we are...We got a hummer limo to take us to go get pictures! Everyone was so excited, and pointed out everything that was cool, and we were all so excited, but with Eagle it was just mandatory to come in a Limo to them. Oh man, I feel like I am dissing, sorry there is wonderful people from Eagle, I am just not use to living like that!! Love all around!!

Hmm, next came Senoir project/Senoir Skip days. Senior project was easier then was said it was!! Oh, but all of my friends decided to get it done at 7:45 in the morning so we could go to breakfast together! That was amazing because we all pitched in twenty dollars to fly our friend Randell back for senior skip days. Lets just say we trashed his room majorly majorly!! So a little of it is in the background of the picture. We picked him up from the airport and we brought him to his crazy mess!! We basically went wild on senior skip days and I accidentaly fell asleep for four hours in the park and got a really really bad sunburn!! But it was a blast!!

Then there is Travis my boyfriend. Wow our history would take forever to write about. So basically we are best friends and have been really good friends since we met. We actually met eachother when we were kind of not really with other people, and we both thought eachother were taken. Well lets just say word got sent to him by numerous sources that I liked him (p.s. thanks, to everyone that spilled the beans). Well Amanda and I went to Rexburg just this last weekend and we went and saw where he use to live and met all of his friends. It was so crazy fun, I loved it!! So that picture is basically of one of our late nights and we both have contacts so we are both in glasses at this time! I love him, and am glad that I waited for the right person to come along!!

I am graduated!! Whoot Whoot!! I had a blast at the all night party with all of my friends and I won a free burrito and 2 bucks!! I had a blast and Travis was able to pay the money and sign a permission form and got in...even though he was never enrolled in our school! :) I liked it though!!

Lastly, I am a head lifeguard at roaring springs water park this year!! I am way excited and a little nervous but it should be amazing!!

Sorry for not keeping up, but once I get my laptop I know I will be blogging more often!!

I love you all a ton!

From a heart throbbed young adult!