Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines Day Surprise!!

8:30am Valentines Day...Amanda walks in and says "Kim there are a couple people at the door for you. (Yes I am in my pink polka dot pjs and my hair and glasses are crazy looking!)
I go to the front door where there is these two people that I have no clue who they are with a heart shaped box of chocolates and a cute little bear. They told me I am suppose to push the foot of the bear and it started singing "I can't get enough of you baby, yes its true!" while the rose in its hand spun so fast that it would flash messages of I love you and hearts! As the song came to an end the two unknown people told me to lift up the box. I look over and there is this huge red wrapped box that comes up easily to about half a foot above my belly button. As I started to lift it I recognized my Travis's shoes. Shocked at him being here to see me, I drop the box back on him (oopps)! As he was uncovered he had a rose and a card in his hand! Kisses, hugs, and songs of love and adoration were exchanged between us! The perfect weekend...My love of my life and me watching movies, playing chutes and ladders, going to church, eating Thia food, and just being with eachother! Valentines Day is not as stupid as I use to think it was...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This week in a nutshell

I came home this last weekend and it was amazing cause I realized my love for snowmobiling!! But I know Travis warned me not to, but I loved sliding on the a result...(See picture)!

Thought for today, be careful to not get bored in class! Side effects may include drowsiness, incredible hunger and a skin discoloration of silver!