Sunday, December 23, 2007

Unavoidable Darkness

I was changing right after church (remember I get out at six, so it is pitch dark) I was watching my foster sister Heavenly. Heavenly was sitting on my bed when suddenly the lights flickered. Then they flickered even longer. That is when the power came to a complete stop. Lucky me! I hurried and pulled on some sweats, felt around for Heavenly on my bed, and basically tried to not trip while feeling my way upstairs. We all ate PBJ sandwiches, and then sang Christmas songs around the flashlights and candles.

Tales of Damsel in Distress!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I've never passed out!!

I have never passed out, but I think I was the closest you could get to it.

In choir we always have on our last class before the concert we have the stage lights on and we practice the full 90 min.! Usually I get a little light headed because it gets really hot. I always make sure my knees are bent, because I am just smart like that. I was about 3/4 of the class time over, but that is when it hit me. My hearing slowly got muffled, kind of like a severe case when you need to pop your ears. I tried to get rid of it but it got worse. That is when it hit me, my vision went like someone was dimming the lights fast. I quickly sat down on the risers feeling were everything was because I couldn't see, and I guess people were calling my name asking me if I was OK, but I couldn't hear them. I was lonely, and there was no way I could have snapped out of it. Slowly my senses came back, and luckily I was not collapsed on the ground. I felt like I was OK with standing up after about ten min. Boy was I wrong. My legs collapsed me back into my seated position on the risers. I don't know what happened, but I do know that I never want it to happen to me again!

My worryings concerning my worryings!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

BSU Institute Winter Ball!!

So basically it was the funnest time. I went with a guy named Ben that just recently moved from Oklahoma. We had a blast dancing the night away. The guys had decided that we were going to switch every once in a while for some of the dances. But lets just say I met someone that really can dance, his name is Jack. I already knew the cha cha but he taught me the salsa!! And basically then we did this other dance with a weird name... but you sway your hips the same direction as your partner and the spin you in and you do all of these crazy knots that miraculously come undone. SO AMAZING!! And for the record I LOVE LOVE LOVE people that can dance!!

So basically that was my date Saturday in a nut shell!!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Damaged in more than one way!!

First injury-

It was the day before the winter parade that the colorguard was performing in. Very stylishly I wore my Santa Hat so that I would have practice tossing and with it on. I tossed with the force of 100 men. The hat was nicely angled, but not in my favor for catching the flag. As the flag perfectly jammed my middle finger I started jumping up and donw yelling that my finger hurt. Of course the exact words from my coach... "ha ha ha, sorry for laughing at your pain, but you should have seen my facr." I beer through the pain!! I then glanced down at the fingers on my left hand and my middle finger was very swolen and had a nice bruis in the middle!! Right before my last colorguard performance.

Second injury-

I had coaches who placed me in the front line for colorguard because it was my last year. So I had studied really hard and knew the parade by heart, but nothing would prepare me for the obstacle a head of me!! We were on a stretch of the street, when I saw the fresh droppings of a near by horse. So I casually went to the left of the droppings, not realizing that I was walking strait onto my silk of my flag. I pulled with all my might to bring up my flag for the next move, and then there I went. Flattening myself to the road, right in front of this little family. Mortified at the time, but hiding it by laughing. I was so imbarrased that I didnt realize the pain of my wrist till after the parade to my left wrist.

So as you can tell typing this looks very interwsting, and also takes a little longer!! But be carefull for all those crazy injuries, and horse droppings!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Reply to Rachel's Super Hero Question

Wow do I feel like a nerd, I looked up in for a list of comic book super hero powers to pick from. So feel like I would have Power Mimicry, where i would see some one use their powers or be by some one that has powers, and I would so be able to do the same thing they can. So sense you guys are my friends I would basically have all of your powers combined!! MWHAHAHAHA (My evil Laugh)!! And of course I would have a cool super hero name like...

Black Adept
Elusive Butterfly
Shadow Dancer

2 + 6 = 8

WOW There are officially 8 children living under our roof at this moment in time!! I know that they will be leaving us sooner or later, but that doesn't make it any easier. They are so cute and I am already becoming close to them even though they have only been here for 6 days!! Wow so here presenting my brothers and sisters!!

Thomas is a STUD, and basically Thomas and I are really tight!!

Erica is very sweet and she is very sincere in what she says!!

Justin is amazing at drawing and if you ever need help with nintendo he is your man!!

Jay has alot of energy but he deffinately likes having fun and creating things!!

Marie loves being a girl along with the dressing up, singing, and putting on lipgloss!!

Nick is a fun loving boy, who deffinately acts like a boy, and loves talking!!

Lastly there is Heavenly,

cute curly hair, and a smile(not shown in theses pictures) that lights up a room!!

So that is my family and I love them to death,

because we are eternally bound and will eternally love each other.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


So basically in short I love dutch bros Hot Chocolate and Smoothies!! I then went to the website and realized that they had this cyberbowl. If you know me, I have no clue about anything about football, for example when watching football, if everyone stands up and starts shouting I do too!! Well, On Dutch Bros you guess which team will beat the other team for the week, and then you tell them how sure you are of your answer and how many points are scored total on the Monday night football game. Somehow out of everyone that is doing the cyberbowl, I got the 3rd highest score. So I received a 20 dollar gift certificate to dutch bros!! Wow, I know, How did that happen!! My mom was reading this book that if everyone believes something it will happen. Well, my whole family thinks I am lucky, so things like this happen!!! So on that note, you are going to have a LUCKY DAY!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Wow Have I Been Slacking!!

Here is my Meme, that my mother has wanted me to do for a while, so here it is!!

1. Where is your cell phone? Right Jacket Pocket
2. Your husband? He WILL be AMAZING!!
3. Your hair? A little past my shoulder
4. Your mother? Beautiful inside and out
5. Your father? Dependable
7. Your dream last night? Way To AMAZING
8. Your favorite drink? Fuze (healthy energy drink, with no caffeine)
9. Your dream car? Black convertible, VW bug, with pink fur interior
10. The room you're in? Office
12. Your fears? A fear of falling, not of heights
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Amazing husband, and maybe a couple kids
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Friends at Harvest
15. What you're not? Tired
16. Muffins? Warm
17. One of your wish list items? A foot poppin' kiss
18. Where you grew up? Idaho
19. The last thing you did? Ate a piece of pizza
20. What are you wearing? Pajamas
21. Your TV? Is Off
22. Your pet? Cuddly dog with a puppy attitude
23. Your computer? Absorbs time
24. Your life? AMAZING!!
25. Your mood? Sad and Happy at the same time
26. Missing? Sanity
27. What are you thinking about right now? Lavell leaving
28. Your car? NO car
29. Your work? All the time
30. Your summer? Eventfull
31. Your relationship status? Perfect
32. Tomorrow? Good question
33. When is the last time you laughed? 2 minuets ago
34. Last time you cried? 10 minuets ago
35. School? Too soon

Help me pick my Senior pictures!!

I have this Amazing friend, Kara, who is a sophomore at Mountain View with me. She took my Senior pictures, and so now I need help on choosing what pictures to use!! Please let me know your top two to three!!


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nothing to write?!?!

I think I really haven't been writing in my blog because I either have so much going on, that I am too busy, or I am bored, and can't remember what would be cool to write about. So Here is a really really short preview of what has happened with me lately.

On Halloween I had a huge party, which turned out to be a success!! Only a couple things went wrong like there was a power surge that temporarily shut down the projector, that we were going to watch the Halloween movie on, but HELLO, we just all squeezed together, and totally made it an amazing time!! The next day I was about to put together my commercials for Government for our political party called Magna Opus, but I guess some how during the Halloween party at my house someone accidentally deleted EVERYTHING on my camera!! Oh, and the commercials were due the next day. SO, I hurried called up all of my group and we got to school early on a Friday morning to record it again, and my dad would so kindly put it on a DVD. Sadly the DVD did not work with the schools DVD player, but our teacher was understanding. After 2 more tries on later days, and converting it to a tape, we finally showed our commercials. Then my group (which was gone every day we had to work on our project) decided that I would be the president nominee for our political party. We voted and there were four parties that received four votes each, one party received five points and I received six!! Now I have to give a five minuet speech on all the platforms of my party.
Wow, that was a lot to write!!! OH, but I feel that I am really loveing life and that I do get stressed out to the max some times, but that doesn't mean that I don't love my life and everything in it!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thursday at about 9:30pm after colorguard practice, I found out that (my little foster brother)Niko's parents were having a court hearing the next morning at 9:30 to see if Niko would be going home, and if the judge said he could, then they would come and pick him up at 11ish that same morning. I was heartbroken, as the tears involuntarily rolled down my cheeks. My brother who I had so many fond memories of, the one I thought was going to be part of our family, and the one that stole a piece of my heart. But maybe the judge would see that we should keep him, just maybe. My mom said that she would text me no matter what happened with the answer. I went to school the next day, putting on a facade of happiness. We went to an assembly, and I patiently waited for a response, but non was to be found. As the assembly came to a close I was walking down the hall, and I called my mom to see what was the verdict. As my moms voice came through the phone, I could already tell the verdict, but I asked any way. "He's leaving" are the words I will always remember, he is leaving, and there was nothing I could do about it. That is when the lack of air came, and fears flooding out of my eyes. As I walked down the halls, I could feel people staring, but I didn't care, I needed these emotions out. I am doing better, but that little piece of my heart will never heal.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Homecoming Blues

So basically I have alot of friends that are my age. But, it seems like all my guy friends are either all ready going with someone or they are not going to homecoming! It is my senior year so I feel upset, but I try not to let others know. So as homecoming this Saturday slowly creeps up, I realize that it is getting harder and harder to ignore. So basically in short this is the conversations that go on...

So what does your dress look like...
Who is your date...
What are you doing for your day date...
What group are you in...

And these conversations come up over and over and over again. I guess I am jealous but, I know I guess everything happens for a reason. I guess I am staying home on Saturday... Maybe I will ask my neighbor if I could ride his horses.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jump attack!!

I was in colorguard this morning at seven O'clock. The band was practicing with us, and we were going to be lucky enough to practice on the football field. The problem was we needed to have a couple people go over the fence to unlock the gate. That is when I got in the fight. I through my flag over the enemies head, and ran forward. I then climbed up the front, and slid to my stomach, latching my hands onto it's head. As I jumped off it's back, I dusted off my outfit. That is when I realized that the top of the enemy didn't have nice soft curves to the enemies hair like the picture below, it had pointed edges all along the top. I glanced at my right hand to see, yes there was, a puddle of blood in my palm. Realizing the wound, the pain shot up my arm and stayed there. My friend Kanda and Jen Christensen came to my rescue, thinking of what they could do. Jen suddenly had a thought, "I do have something to stop the bleeding", she pulls out her dot book and rips out 2 pages out of the back. I quickly apply pressure to it with the paper. The pain was unbearable exspecially since I had to spin a flag. I received a band-aid later. Right now the pain of the attack is still there, but I can tell there is going to be a scar. So be careful to look at your enemies hair before you try doing a jump attack!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

2007 Homecoming Fashion Show

So for the last couple weeks I have been basically stressing about this fashion show. I had to book the auditorium, get models and escorts, make fliers, make music track, send 100 names of interested girls in the dresses. So the fashion show went sort of smoothly, but due to good friends it went fine. But i will deffinately know what to do to fix the problems of this time. So here is the pictures from the fashion show!!

*A special thanks to Kara for taking the pictures for the fashion show!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Friends Unite in DANCE!!

I have a most AMAZING friend named Kanda. Kanda and I had a fun time Friday night where we ...
Some how I couldn't find out how to put a video on my blog, so here are the websites of Kanda then me dancing to "You can't stop the beat"
and Danced some more...

and completed Dot books...

and Flushed her Crush...

and Bonded together as Friends!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My times with friends seem to get disapointing and I don't know why

Hey so basically every one seems to be leaving lately. For instance I was trying to get friends together tonight, and every one said OK last night when we were hanging out . . . But Lavell left for Utah until Monday night, with out telling anyone, Jeff left yesterday to cut down trees by the cabin in McCall, Rachel wont answer any of her phones, but I found out later because she called that she was at her neighbors, and Amy said she would be here at 8:30 and I am writing this now at 10 with still no phone call. I know I am a happy person, but I feel that I was let down for no reason. I have no clue what is going on. But I guess it is life, and I have to deal with it!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Crash and Burn!!

As I get home from colorguard practice and I start working on my homework, my mom tells me that they think Jay has an Appendicitis, so they are going to the doctor. Not knowing exactly the extremes of this I kept on doing my homework while checking on the other 5 kids every couple of minutes. Then one of my AMAZING friends, Kanda, asks if she can come over to my house so that I can help her with her dot book (a book of charts we use when we are first learning our spots for marching band/colorguard). So I called my mom and she said that would be fine. So slowly it starts getting later it is about 6:30 now and I call my mom, asking what is going on. She says that Jay is going in for X-Rays, in about an hour, so I said I would make dinner, and she said that I could make chicken enchiladas, because that was my dinner choice of the week (Each kid in our family makes dinner one night, picks the meal and helps mom/makes it them self). So as I was going between doing my homework and making dinner and watching the kids I think Kanda was keeping me sane (even if she didn't know it). So then Kanda and I got our hands dirty and plunged them into the stuffing and had fun making the chicken enchiladas.

So dinner turned out really well, and I am really happy about that. As I got calls through the night from my mom, I updated everyone on Jay. Jay definitely had an Appendicitis. So that night he would have surgery, and who knows when my parents would come home from staying with Jay. Kanda left at 9ish, and we hugged, saying how we would see each other later! I had put the first 2 kids in bed an hour ago, but the 3 older kids got to stay up. My mom called at about 10:30 to say that she was coming home. As I started to put the last 2 in bed, my mom came home. That is when it happened, my absolute complete melt down. My body and emotions were exhausted. I just start sobbing, because I can't handle it any more, the stress of taking care of kids, have a brother sick, no parents to help, trying to make a nice dinner, and getting back from a hard day of colorguard. I know I shouldn't complain, but I was purely exhausted. That is when I knew my bed was definitely calling my name *Kim* *Kim* *Kim*, as my mom hugged and kissed me and told me to go to bed, because I needed to rest. That was the lowest I think of lows for my strength. But it is a wonder what a night of sleep can do.