Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thursday at about 9:30pm after colorguard practice, I found out that (my little foster brother)Niko's parents were having a court hearing the next morning at 9:30 to see if Niko would be going home, and if the judge said he could, then they would come and pick him up at 11ish that same morning. I was heartbroken, as the tears involuntarily rolled down my cheeks. My brother who I had so many fond memories of, the one I thought was going to be part of our family, and the one that stole a piece of my heart. But maybe the judge would see that we should keep him, just maybe. My mom said that she would text me no matter what happened with the answer. I went to school the next day, putting on a facade of happiness. We went to an assembly, and I patiently waited for a response, but non was to be found. As the assembly came to a close I was walking down the hall, and I called my mom to see what was the verdict. As my moms voice came through the phone, I could already tell the verdict, but I asked any way. "He's leaving" are the words I will always remember, he is leaving, and there was nothing I could do about it. That is when the lack of air came, and fears flooding out of my eyes. As I walked down the halls, I could feel people staring, but I didn't care, I needed these emotions out. I am doing better, but that little piece of my heart will never heal.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Homecoming Blues

So basically I have alot of friends that are my age. But, it seems like all my guy friends are either all ready going with someone or they are not going to homecoming! It is my senior year so I feel upset, but I try not to let others know. So as homecoming this Saturday slowly creeps up, I realize that it is getting harder and harder to ignore. So basically in short this is the conversations that go on...

So what does your dress look like...
Who is your date...
What are you doing for your day date...
What group are you in...

And these conversations come up over and over and over again. I guess I am jealous but, I know I guess everything happens for a reason. I guess I am staying home on Saturday... Maybe I will ask my neighbor if I could ride his horses.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Jump attack!!

I was in colorguard this morning at seven O'clock. The band was practicing with us, and we were going to be lucky enough to practice on the football field. The problem was we needed to have a couple people go over the fence to unlock the gate. That is when I got in the fight. I through my flag over the enemies head, and ran forward. I then climbed up the front, and slid to my stomach, latching my hands onto it's head. As I jumped off it's back, I dusted off my outfit. That is when I realized that the top of the enemy didn't have nice soft curves to the enemies hair like the picture below, it had pointed edges all along the top. I glanced at my right hand to see, yes there was, a puddle of blood in my palm. Realizing the wound, the pain shot up my arm and stayed there. My friend Kanda and Jen Christensen came to my rescue, thinking of what they could do. Jen suddenly had a thought, "I do have something to stop the bleeding", she pulls out her dot book and rips out 2 pages out of the back. I quickly apply pressure to it with the paper. The pain was unbearable exspecially since I had to spin a flag. I received a band-aid later. Right now the pain of the attack is still there, but I can tell there is going to be a scar. So be careful to look at your enemies hair before you try doing a jump attack!!