Sunday, June 24, 2007

Don't go Potty!!

So basically I decided to post all of my crazy lifeguard stories that happen daily so enjoy!!

I was in the kiddy area when a little boy about 4 comes up to me.
Hi Lifeguard, I need to go potty!
I told him to go to his parents so they could take him to the bathroom
OK, (then he got distracted) What is that picture on your floaty.
I replied, Oh, that is a lifeguard on my tube, oh, but you better hurry, because you don't want to go potty in the water.
OK, (this is when he sat down in the water and the water turned a yellow color, as you can imagine) Don't worry I don't have to go anymore!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The kind of weather I like!

I think my love for the different kinds of weather

all depends on who I am with and where I am at.

I truly do like rain of all kinds.

I like being soaked to the bone,

yet laughing despite the cold.

Or when it rains so softly

that you can feel your warmth

absorb all of the sparkle in each drop.

I love when it is lightly snowing

and all the flakes sticks to your eyelashes and hair so gently.

I love warm breezes.

But if I am not with the right person,

well I don't have to worry about that

because if I hang out with them,

they are the right person.

I love the weather!

Monday, June 4, 2007

How Nerdy!!!

OK, here are a couple really nerdy and mathy jokes that I can't help but laugh when reading, and I have to explain it to people who don't understand, here it is!!

I hope you enjoyed a few Laughs of nerdyness!!

Three Thirdy in the Morning!?!?!

So basically I cried so much at graduation, but I am OK now!! But OH MAN, I had a blast hanging out with all my senior friends. Rachel threw this amazing party at her house so here is basically what happened......................................... I get there just in time when everyone is showing up in their swimsuits for swimming in the pool! I have my swimsuit under my clothes with my swim shorts, and of course Jared making a comment said, "Kim don't take off you pants!" So then we are hanging around when Jeff comes with a big cooler and sets it on the stairs. He then beckons me to give him a hug, as he holds his hands behind his back. OH NO! I am not that stupid is exactly what I was thinking. I backed away slowly, as he started firing on unsuspecting victims. This meant war, sadly I am really bad catcher of water balloons, so the one I was tossed splattered coldly down my front. Of course the guys thinking it was funny kept wanting me to try to catch them. Again I say, I am not that stupid! Now every one was pretty wet so we started to jump/push/pull others into the pool. It was very fun! Of course then there was the raft, everyone trying to get into it, or trying to tip the people in it out! Oh Man!! Yea I did get a little bruised up, and I don't want to talk about my other battle wound, which only a select few I have told about including my mom, where she made a comment on her blog on it. Oh, I forgot to say about Bryce always putting water in my face in some way... from water balloons in my face, to splashing, to even squirting me in the face with a water gun. I had a blast, and I enjoyed Jeff and I's water pistol fight, where I clearly WON!! So the guys left about 12ish, and Cassie, Rachel, Me, Kady, Amy, and Whitney tried to play a game of apples to apples, but soon found out we were way to tired. Then we moved out to the Trampoline were it was perfect weather, and we had blankets. We chatted about our Top 3 guys, and decided one guy was in all of our top ten, which lots of people thought it was really weird how this person was so high on their guy list. Lets just say he is definitely in my TOP 3. So we jumped around, splattered a little bit of broken glow sticks, and basically had an amazing time. Then the parents came, telling us that they had to break it up, because we were getting to loud! Ooppss!! SO then we left at about 3ish and I was in my bed sleeping by 3:30ish!