Monday, July 30, 2007

Girls Camp in a Nut Shell!!

YCL=Youth Camp Leader= ME!!

As YCL's we come up on Monday and everyone else comes on Tuesday. So as we come to our campsite there is a sign that reads... No running water, campsite hasn't had running water for the last 3 months... we were planning on running water. Then the Forest Ranger comes and tells us that due to the increasing fires we are not able to burn fires after Thursday at 12:01 am. And this was all in just the first 10 min.

All the Girls come up the next day and everything seems great untill that night when we all decide to go to our individual tents and 3 skunks are at our picnic bench eating some left over food!! The next day a girl left open her tent and a skunk found its way into there.

Thursday morning rolled around and we were greated by the leaders telling us we were moving to a different campsite because there was a fire 3 miles away that was not controlled at all! That was crazy all in it's self

That night a drunk guy wandered into our camp ground and the priesthood members nicely escorted him back to the campsite. To make sure the girls were all safe the adult leaders slept with there unit of girls, and the neglected to have an adult come and sleep with the YCL's... lets just say we were dead to the world the second our head hit the pillow!! The guys decided that they would take shifts through the night, staying up, and making sure nothing happened. That night a couple skunks and a coyote came wandering into our camp.

The next morning many girls were freaking out, one cried as she told everyone that she had half of a butterfinger in her sleeping bag!! Well, every night you heard coyotes howling and you could hear them circling but never entering a tent!!

My whole experience was crazy but I will deffinately remember my last girls camp to be